
I am Malabika Ray, based in Stockholm, Sweden. I have done my post graduation in Applied Physics and I work in the R&D of a Global car company. So what made me start writing, all of a sudden?

This question still baffles me. Even though I had always been a voracious reader and enjoyed writing since my early childhood, I never thought of becoming a serious writer. Especially not at this stage of my life, when I have a stable career and family.

I am still not a full time writer….I have my day job which is demanding, something I was trained for and something where I devoted more than twenty years of my life. Yet, wrtiting is gaining more and more focus these days. It’s more than a hobby now which requires a fair amount of time and dedication.

But I enjoy it and that’s the main reason I am doing it. It definitely is not financially rewarding (yet) and I do feel the struggle of juggling a serious job, a family and writing together. But what is life without a few challenges? It would be utterly boring!

Right now I am mainly writing thrillers which are anchored on sound scientific base and touching a plethora of socio political nuances all across the globe. I have lived and worked in four different countries and I love getting tom know various cultures; hence my writing reflects that.

I have a Facebook page where I post my stories serially before publishing. I like it as it gives me direct reader feedbacks.

Feel free to contact me if you want. I am no where close to being a famous writer yet, hence I do have time for my actual readers!